Rainbow Counselling SW
Call Suzie Clancy 01752 982538
Service Description
I offer down to earth support to people feeling lost, alone, powerless, confused, judged, ashamed, and unsure how to cope. My services can help you to feel heard, validated, and empowered, whilst gaining personal insight and clarity. This can help you to adapt unhelpful beliefs and find a way forward through whatever you are experiencing. I hope to help you to listen to your emotions without losing control to them, and to feel a sense of wholeness, self acceptance, and confidence in your ability to cope. I offer a warm, safe place to talk about personal things. I can help by asking useful questions that can clarify and gently challenge unhelpful existing beliefs, such as 'I should be able to cope with these emotions better'. I specialise in empowering people who feel lost and disconnected from themselves, as well as others. I understand how alone it can feel to experience challenging emotions, and what a game changer counselling is. I will gladly accompany you on whichever path life leads you down, with warmth, humility and sensitivity. A problem shared is a problem halved when shared with the right person. I hope to meet you soon. Issues Related: Anger Management Anxiety Bereavement Borderline Personality Codependency Depression Domestic Abuse Gender identification Obsessive-Compulsive (OCD) Self-Harming Spirituality Stress Suicidal Ideation Transgender Weight Loss Sexuality Bisexual Gay
Contact Details
50 Armada Street, Plymouth, UK